Leading the way for Virtual Hospital Research - Wesley Research Institute
Wesley Research Institute

Exciting developments are unfolding at the Wesley Research Institute!

Dr. Olivia Fisher has recently assumed the role of Senior Research Fellow, directing her efforts towards leading the Virtual Hospital Research Program.

In this world first research program, Wesley Research Institute is working closely with UnitingCare Queensland to inform the design, establishment and ongoing evaluation of their new Virtual Hospital.

The Virtual Hospital Research Team, led by Dr Olivia Fisher, will inform the implementation and ongoing development of the hospital by providing evidence-based recommendations tailored to the specific needs and context of UnitingCare Queensland, its staff, patients and their families and carers, and key stakeholders. As the Virtual Hospital becomes established, patient, health service and implementation outcomes will be evaluated.

Interviews and co-design workshops were conducted in 2023, which included patients and clients of UnitingCare Queensland services and their carers, staff of The Wesley Hospital, St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital, St Stephen’s Hospital, and Buderim Private Hospital, Blue Care Community, Blue Care Residential Aged Care Facilities, and UnitingCare, and Visiting Medical Officers, as well as key external stakeholders such as Queensland Health and general practitioners. In 2024, the team will commence an evaluation of patient, carer, cost, staff satisfaction, and implementation outcomes of the Virtual Hospital.

"“It’s been fantastic to see how our research has already started to influence the design and implementation of UnitingCare Queensland’s new Virtual Hospital in real time. That’s the value of our applied health services research approach – the ability to have direct impact in the short-term. We expect this will be an exciting long-term research collaboration.”
Dr Olivia Fisher

With the program's expansion and the early success of the Virtual Hospital research project, Olivia is thrilled to dedicate her time to this crucial research.

Meanwhile, Dr. Elizabeth Martin is transitioning into the position of Health Services Research Program Lead. In this role, she oversees a wide array of ongoing projects within the Health Services Research team and is pioneering new research that Wesley Research Institute will lead in 2024 and beyond.

“I’m looking forward to leading and building our new health services research team. Our skills complement each other’s really well and we’re all committed to having an impact on people’s lives and health services.”
Dr Elizabeth Martin
Keep up to date with the innovative research of the Health Services Research Team
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