Evaluation of the UnitingCare Queensland Virtual Hospital - Wesley Research Institute
Wesley Research Institute

This research aims to identify the service, patient, and implementation outcomes of the UnitingCare Queensland Virtual Hospital.

Research Project Team

Lead Researcher

  • Dr Olivia Fisher

Research Team

  • Dr Caroline Grogan
  • Dr Elizabeth Martin
  • Dr Wendell Cockshaw
  • Belinda Moshi

About this Research Project

In September 2022 UnitingCare Queensland engaged Wesley Research Institute to support the design of their new Virtual Hospital. Following the now-completed Context Assessment Study and Co-Design Study, Wesley Research Institute is collaborating with UnitingCare Queensland to evaluate their new Virtual Hospital.

The evaluation will investigate:

  1. Service Outcomes
    1. Economic and value-based healthcare
    2. Staff experience
  2. Patient Outcomes
    1. Clinical outcomes
    2. Quality of life
    3. Patient and carer experience
  3. Implementation Outcomes
    1. Barriers and enablers
    2. Adaptations required

This evaluation is expected to take multiple phases, and represents a long-term research relationship between UnitingCare Queensland and Wesley Research Institute.

This research has directly informed the development of the UnitingCare Virtual Hospital and Wesley Research Institute will continue to collaborate with UnitingCare Queensland on the ongoing design and implementation of the new hospital.

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