Coeliac Research Network - Wesley Research Institute
Wesley Research Institute

Wesley Research Institute is developing a new research network focusing on Coeliac Disease and Immune Health Research

Join the Coeliac Research Network

Wesley Research Institute is developing a new research network focusing on coeliac disease and immune health research.

Through this network, we expect to bring together coeliac disease experts, like gastroenterologists, paediatric gastroenterologists, surgeons, dieticians, nutritionists, nurses and mucosal immunologists, to work together to really progress the multi-disciplinary research program.

James Daveson in a hospital

Sign up to the Coeliac Research Network today

Joining is easy and completely free, with the goal of improving awareness and researching the causes and potential treatments of coeliac disease.

As a member, you’ll:
Be the first to know about new research findings
Have the chance to participate in cutting-edge research
Receive newsletters with the latest updates
Be invited to events
Be part of a community of people with coeliac disease
Have the chance to support coeliac disease research

Join today

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By signing up, you’ll receive updates about the Coeliac Research Network. If you'd also like to stay informed about Wesley Research Institute’s broader research, events, and opportunities to support, please leave the box checked

Community groups, such as Coeliac Australia, do a fantastic job of helping patients on their health journey and providing them with information and practical advice. The new Coeliac Research Network (CRN) adds another dimension to these valuable resources.

A Caucasian girl is indoors in a hospital room. She is smiling at the camera while holding a teddy bear.
Kristina with her family

Patients want a voice to ensure coeliac research is adequately funded and they want to know that there are treatment solutions being investigated beyond a gluten-free diet.


Read Kristina's story

Through research we know that children are at greater risk of developing coeliac disease if their parents or siblings have the disease. Coeliac disease is in the genes, so children should be screened regularly if they have a close relative with coeliac disease - even if they have no symptoms. Coeliac disease can also affect children’s ability to learn, and many don’t continue onto university.

Adults can also go through life undiagnosed, experiencing symptoms such as fertility and miscarriage problems, and may not realise that coeliac disease is the cause.

Make a donation today and help to further research for coeliac disease and immune health
to support research
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